Sunday, July 31, 2016

MARK HOLLIS & Talk Talk: The DOORS Influence, A Very Personal View


I invited my old buddy Jim Morrison on my new video.
The creating process. I've been searching for the link between Fine Art and Music during a very long time. Now, I am searching for the links between my two main sources of inspiration. 

Mark Hollis and Jim Morrison are so different as persons, that it is hard to believe that they could meet somewhere in Music. Jim Morrison, in his lyrics, described the visions he may have had, as a Shaman, during his psychedelic trances, going back to the most primitive and raw aspect of Humanity.
Mark Hollis is a giver and has offered us a divine Love through his Music. I receive it loud and clear.
Such a difference between the both! 

But still, both are, were searching for a piece of Truth, for a form of sincerity.
They have in common to have not sold themselves, to be very picky about their creative choices, both are, were, extremely talented, both said not to have an extended knowledge in Music when they started their career. 

Both disappeared abruptly: one died near my home in Paris, and was buried a few streets further, the other one retired without a warning or almost, and came haunting my dreams with his Music. 
Both are fascinating characters! 

But Jim committed a kind of suicide while Mark decided to save his life. 
Really not the same approach!
Jim Morrison disappeared way before I could even honor his work, I was still a child when he died. That is probably why I don't want to miss any chance to honor Mark's career, artists should be really appreciated and admired while they are still alive.

I am grateful to admire someone who is somehow my age, and still well alive.
Wish I can learn the most from him.

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