Sunday, July 10, 2016

Mark Hollis SPIRIT Of EDEN Timing The Irish Time / The Spectator Austral...


Announcing a great news in here, and I'm in my delirium again, sorry if I want to laugh a lot... I don't always have opportunities when I can have a big laugh. Even if the situation is grave, I always like to see the comical aspect in things as long as they are not too overwhelming, of course.

Also, you will hear a song all along this video, which has not much to do with Mark Hollis or Talk Talk, even if it is the same period, kind of... If you have the patience to watch this video until the end, you will understand why I am playing it. So, first, guess what song it is, second I will try to understand the link which can exist between the great news announced to me on phone and that song... 
Any suggestion is welcome. Maybe Scotland has something to do with it...

Funny how my huge interest in Talk Talk and Mark Hollis' Music led me to have even more concern for United Kingdom, if it is actually possible. I always have been passionate about UK, and if I hadn't felt the need in 2006 to go very far away, right now, I wouldn't be in Los Angeles, but very probably somewhere around London.  
However, now, this concern has an even deeper level, and with this Brexit being discussed, I find myself even more engaged in British political views, than I have ever been in the French ones. It seems to me that this potential Brexit affects more or less all of us. 
I am just wondering how videos about Art and Music can be suddenly invaded by British Politics, but we live in this world, we can't pretend it doesn't exist, chiefly when it is about a country, or rather a group of countries, that I love probably even more than the one I used to live in (France).
When I arrived in L.A., a little more than ten years ago now, people were asking me if I was not missing Paris too much. I was answering that beside my family and friends, not really, but what I was missing the most, was London. I was saying that like a joke, until I understood that it was nothing of a joke, it was what I was really feeling. 
That's how I started considering seriously moving to England if/when my L.A. adventure would end, because I didn't and still don't want to go back to Paris, or to France in general. 
Now, with the Brexit, this potential project seems slightly compromised, hence my new interest towards Ireland (South). 
This is why I am day and night, nights and day on the BBC news, to understand every decision, change, implication, meaning for me, meaning for United Kingdom, by hoping this Kingdom will still last a long time. Hoping also that this surprising referendum won't result, in the future, in another world war. 

Change is definitely the common point between Mark Hollis and United Kingdom. Leaving is another one.
Changes are necessary in life, but seeing people leaving has always broken my heart, it still does.

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