I went to Berkeley University to attend my son's graduation. It was fantastic! I discovered like a giant very loving family.
But what was not expected was the discovery of my own Art meaning.
I watched all these students showing their creations, I listened to the teachers talking about Art and giving me some advice. And suddenly, it was like if they were telling me what I was doing with Mark Hollis and Talk Talk, all this quest and questions around this Music, it was like if the whys were imposing themselves to me.
I will give you some kind of explanation in this video Part 2 coming soon, but everything can't be said in a video. I must keep a little for myself, and express it on my paintings, because it comes from the heart. Some things must just be said in colors and maybe in Music.
Will understand and receive who can and want to.
Also thank you to these teachers who kind of told me: you are a true artist.
I still had some doubts, in spite of all my Art work already done and to come.
Art and Music must come from the heart first. I am sure of this now.
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