Tuesday, July 30, 2019

About A Talk Talk TRIBUTE, Superet, DERDE VERDE & KingJet @ The Moroccan Lounge


It is about a Mark Hollis and Talk Talk tribute to come very soon, and about Derde Verde Superet Superettheband and KingJet at the Moroccan Lounge in Los Angeles on July 26, 2019.
A lot of important things said, grab your tea and snack because it is a rather very long video.

Monday, July 22, 2019

DERDE VERDE The Reaction MARK HOLLIS & Sade? Psychedelic Punk Jazz


This Punk Music put me on my knees! But this video was so fun to do! 
#derdeverde #markhollis #talktalk #thereaction
#sade #july #10yearsafter #therollingstones #thevirgins #can #thebeatles #psychedelic #punk #jazz #music #painting

Sunday, July 7, 2019

DERDE VERDE, MARK HOLLIS, TALK TALK Let Me In Their Psychedelic Moments


Here is what happens after an earthquake! :-) The shooting of this video was crazy, it was just after the shock wave, I was terrified, and people didn't stop calling me to know if everything was fine, my younger son was texting from Italy, and I always answer to my sons, so I had to stop filming almost every ten minutes. Shooting this video took me several hours in the making, and more the time was passing, more I wanted to hit the drums and couldn't stop. Yes, for sure, a hypnotic effect :-)